Osteoarthritis Exercise Intervention Program


Benefits of Exercising with Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is an inflammatory condition that affects the cartilage of a joint. In the initial stages of OA, people may experience pain in the joints during or after activity. As the condition progresses, pain may occur at rest or with minimal movement.

Research shows that exercise can be an effective treatment for those with OA. People can benefit from working with qualified exercise professionals to provide guidance on safe movement patterns and increased knowledge of their condition.

Although pain and functional limitations can present challenges to physical activity, regular exercise is essential to improve quality of life.

Regular exercise in those with OA has been shown to reduce pain and improve:

function ⦁ mobility ⦁ mood ⦁ quality of life

About the Program

Osteoarthritis Exercise Intervention Program is a 6-week group exercise program with 2 sessions per week. The sessions are one hour long and will also contain education on osteoarthritis and self-management.

Although the program is in a group setting, exercises can be individualized to suit each participant’s ability.

This program will be supervised by a physiotherapist and therefore will be eligible for reimbursement by your health insurance provider.

Start your journey towards healthier joints today. Talk to your doctor or physiotherapist to see if this program is right for you.

Since starting the program in the Spring of 2022, participants have reported the following benefits:

⦁ “Reduced pain during physical activity”

⦁ “Better understanding of what osteoarthritis is and how to manage my symptoms”

⦁ “I am using fewer painkillers”

⦁ “Increased confidence to be active and do the activities I want to do!”

GLA:D Canada

The Osteoarthritis Exercise Intervention Program is largely based on research from GLA:D and is available for those living with knee and hip osteoarthritis (OA).

GLA:D is an evidence-based treatment solution designed to provide patient education and neuromuscular exercise.

This program is unique in that the education and exercises provided can be applied to everyday activities. By strengthening and correcting daily movement patterns, participants will train their bodies to move properly, prevent symptom progression and reduce pain.

For more information about GLA:D Canada, please visit their website https://gladcanada.ca/